Sunday, September 12, 2021

Now You Are Mine

 The boy and I began this dance of sorts. We would see each other at the Upstage and exchange pleasantries and silly comments. We were becoming friends. I couldn’t help but notice I was all smiles when chatting with him. He was so funny. He may have a a girlfriend or at least a girl he spent time in a relationship with on and off for many years. I was casually dating. One fellow in particular was an English teacher in Virginia. He would come to Pittsburgh on the weekends and we liked each other. He was punk rockish with a biker jacket and pierced nipples! Per usual we were all at the Upstage. The last song played and the lights went on and the bouncers yelled, “Get the fuck out” throughout the bar. My roommates, ( Cris, Susie, Megan) Bags, the boy and my date that night, nipple boy, decided to get a case of beer and go back to our apartment on Semple Street (in Oakland). We drank Rolling Rocks and chatted and laughed. My date passed out in the living room. Somehow we decided to pierce the cartilage on my left ear - needle and ice cube style. I’m pretty sure Megan was the one doing it. She couldn’t get it so the boy took over. He jammed the needle through my ear and clasped an earring in there! Um, ouch. The night came to a natural close after a few hours of drinking and more silliness. I walked the boy to my door to say good night. His sweet face leaned into mine and Rich kissed me. That was it…

I married Rich. Rich Rust was the sweetest boy in the world…
“you used to be a stranger, now you are mine”
I’m going to start linking the song that reminds me of the memory. I was/am a huge New Order fan. Ignore the title of this song.

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